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Green Building Material


As one of the leading countries in the effort to promote and use green building materials in new construction projects, Malaysia recognized the need for a rating system that could evaluate and quantify a building’s qualifications to be rated as a green building. As a result, in 2008 the GBI or Green Building Index was developed and has since become a proven success in encouraging and driving an aggressive approach to environmental engineering in the construction trade.


Malaysia recognizes that global warming is, as its name indicates, a global problem and needs to be addressed with a global strategy. One of the largest contributors to global warming is the building and construction industry. The Green Building Index is just one of many tools being used to minimize the environmental impact of building through reduced energy consumption and less waste.


Green Buildings – The Key to a better environment
  • Efficiency is the most important parameter in a green building. A building that is designed to use energy, water, and space efficiently will not only use less resources to heat but will also require less maintenance while leaving a smaller footprint both physically as well as environmentally.
  • Green buildings reduce pollution both directly as well as indirectly. They use less petroleum and electricity as well as less materials to build. Many of the building materials of a green building come from recycled products that would otherwise have been filling up a landfill somewhere.
  • Green building are designed to be compatible with the surrounding environment, providing a pleasing visual effect while remaining in tune to local traditions and cultural norms.
  • Green buildings are better for us too. The don’t emit dangerous toxic chemicals or VOC’s (Volatile Organic compounds).


Most of us know and accept the idea that a green building is not only better for the environment, but is better for ourselves as well. There are several benefits when using green materials in your construction project:
  • Green materials that come from recycled products will help to achieve a higher GBI or Green Building Index score. You don’t have to sacrifice quality to enjoy significant savings when using components made from recycled material.
  • Use of structural insulated and reflective panels will lower the cost of heating or cooling your home. They can provide an additional level of insulation within the home or structure while still keeping costs within budget.
  • Incorporating locally available recycled materials has a huge impact on the environment when compared to the energy required to extract virgin materials and process them into a finished product. As the demand for recycled products grows, the business model for reclaimed and recycled materials will also improve.
  • Use naturally occurring raw materials whenever possible. Ultimately, your home will look and feel better with naturally occurring building products. Synthetic or manmade materials tend to have a lot of chemicals as well as petroleum based compounds in them. This type of composition can lead to problems with outgassing of VOC’s as well as other harmful toxins. Naturally occurring building materials avoid this problem while reducing illnesses and the resulting absenteeism.