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Mirrors in Interior Design

The Perks of Having Mirrors in Interior Design


Mirror, mirror, on the wall. We believe that you are filled with handy secrets beneficial to all. Can you please unveil them before we break down and fall? We kid, we kid. Please forgive us for being unreasonably cheesy.

Anyway, did you know that mirrors are actually far more useful than it seems? Yes, it may have reflective properties that allow you to check yourself out from time to time or assist in your grooming routine but when it comes to interior design, it serves extremely practical functions that are perfect for your interior. Some of the things that mirrors can do include making a small room look bigger, a dim room brighter and to top it off, adding character to a room based on your preferred motif.

Let’s dig a little deeper and find out how mirrors in interior design can add more ‘oomph’ into your humble abode.

Illusion of depth – Small room that leaves a big impression

Mirrors can be sneaky tricksters, but in a useful way. Placing a mirror, no matter how big or small, can do wonders for a room. The reflection it projects is able to effectively make a small room seem more spacious. So, how exactly can this be done? Just get an appropriately sized mirror of your choice, and place it behind any furniture you see fit. Normally, people prefer placing mirrors above their furniture but when it is positioned behind a furniture instead, that is where the real illusion of depth takes place.

There is nothing weird about seeing double

Mirrors also have the incredible ability to double the visual impact of anything you want. Unbelievable?  Well, believe it. If you have a unique piece of decoration in your room and want it to stand out even more, just strategically place a mirror at your desired spot and it will help you enhance the object by making it appear in twos. Not only are mirrors able to make a room seem bigger, it can also reflect various accents of a room, allowing colour themes and design styles to echo from one point to another.

Room with a “self-styled” view

Not a fan of rooms without windows? Have no fear; place a mirror right over here! When a room does not have any windows, it might bring out the claustrophobic in you that you probably never knew existed. So, to give your room a “view”, just hang a stylishly framed mirror on the wall. By playing around with reflection, you will get to create an optical illusion that leaves people believing that there is an actual window, when there is not.

A piece of (art)work

Apart from being a useful instrument for interior designing, mirrors make really interesting pieces of artwork. You can explore your creativity as well as experiment with various decoration techniques such as placement, arrangement, or design. You can even spruce up a mirror by using cool frames to make it look more fascinating. There are plenty of ideas to play around with so if you are hungry for interior design inspiration, this might help !

BONUS: The perfect cover up!

Now, here is an interior design hack that will come in handy for any kind of room. Say there is an unsightly area on your wall and you do not have sufficient budget to get it fixed. What do you do? Get a mirror, of course. You can use an oversized one to cover up all sorts of imperfections such as a hole, paint smudges or scratches, discolouration, and so on. You’re welcome!

Samples of mirrors used in awesome designs.






