Underwater home
What happens when creative architects are running out of home and housing or even resort design ideas? There are some adventurous enough to conceive a structure in the images below. Yes, it is apparently a concept of home, vacation house or personal sanctuary literally perched on the edges of the cliffs at your favourite seaside escape.
If the sea view isn't satisfying enough, it also features a transparent rooftop pool and your bedroom directly under it, where one could probably enjoy the view of their loved ones swimming around at the comfort of their own bed! ;-)
Least to say this is definitely a step forward for engineers and architects in future construction projects, perhaps attempting an underwater hotel or resort (now, lets not get too far fetched dreaming towards whole underwater functioning cities)? This would bring the architectural landscape to whole new levels and open new dimensions and much other new possibilities with land (now sea!) usability on earth itself.
Check out the interiors of this new concept.