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Building Materials Online

Unique Wooden Interior Theme

Cost is not a primary concern? Seeking for the one single interior design for your new coming store in our bustling city that stands out bold and leaves a deep impression on all your customers and visitors?

We’ve got a suggestion. Wooden themed interiors seemed nothing new in a tropical country with abundance of timber like Malaysia, until you bumped into this design. Instead of the normal usage and installation of wooden planks, constructs or ornaments for the store flooring, walling, some even ceiling and display furniture / cabinets, this interior utilises wood in horizontal arrangements throughout the entire space!

This horizontal placement and installation of wooden elements (even at display racks) introduces a superbly unique experience of “transparency” across the whole store. Natural and artificial lighting passes through these horizontal structures and illuminates the whole space, further saving on electricity bills apart from aesthetics! Check out views from different angles for this interior design idea.


Building Materials Malaysia - Horizontal Wooden Design 4

Building Materials Malaysia - Horizontal Wooden Design 6

Building Materials Malaysia - Horizontal Wooden Design

Building Materials Malaysia - Horizontal Wooden Design 3

Building Materials Malaysia - Horizontal Wooden Design 2

Building Materials Malaysia - Horizontal Wooden Design 5