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Vertical City

As world population kept increasing and land space is becoming a limitation for most capital cities, ambitious architects have came up with ideas of constructing and designing vertical satellite cities, that sits in the sea instead, effectively marks an end to the current land limitation issue world wide when this project succeeds. The idea is simple, as being vertical the effective use of land space to housing rate, will rise in a steep exponential curve. The new project aims to house 25,000 people in it and will be as tall as 180 storeys at an estimated 750 metres height, which also highlights a coverage of 200,000 square metres of green area. The building is designed to blend seamlessly into the environment by having huge hexagonal voids (i.e windows) that would run up the side of the tower, allowing sunlight and rainwater in, which allows natural sustenance of green life (plants and trees). The building will contain malls, houses, offices and other structures normally found in conventional cities. As this mega structure will be submerged in water, means that some of these spaces will be underwater, inclusive of underwater passes connecting back to land. Moving along with the green approach towards the future, this project is entirely energy independent, producing its own energy from photovoltaic glass and solar panels installed at nearly all parts of the structure. As for the building materials, its core structure comprises of steel arranged in repetition of modular elements and this singular shape of the structural element creates a 3D network which is designed intelligently to sustain every single floor. Its flooring is made 5 types of different sized prefabricated metal trusses, anchored to the main structure. Finally the body of the structure, its external and internal shells are made of photovoltaic glasses, working as the environmental sustainability element of the entire concept. Here shows the images of the ambitious project


Vertical City Vertical City 4 Vertical City 5 Vertical City 3


Vertical City 7 Vertical City 6


Vertical City 2